Avatar Abilities
Conjure Abilities
Spectral Bite: Basic attack that does physical damage. Cost no energy.
Venomous Teeth: Basic attack that does physical and venom damage.
Fire Claws: Basic attack that does physical and fire damage.
Shock Claws: Basic attack that does physical and shock damage.
Plasma Breath: Attack form that does physical, fire, and shock damage.
Storm Breath: Attack form that does physical, shock, and cold damage.
Chaos Strike: Powerful attack form that does physical, poison, fire, shock, cold, and chaos damage.
Magic Abilities
Arcane Sparks: Long range spell that does arcane damage.
Fireball: Long range spell that does arcane and fire damage.
Zap Bolt: Long range spell that does arcane and shock damage.
Mage Bolt: Long range spell that does arcane, fire, and shock damage.
Caustic Bolt: Medium range spell that does arcane and acid damage. Acid damage hits twice.
Storm Bolt: Medium range spell that does arcane, shock, and cold damage. Damage hits twice.
Disintegrate: Medium range spell that does arcane, fire, shock, and chaos damage. Chaos damage hits twice.
Archon Mode: Power overwhelming for a short time. All magic does critical damage. Improved shield, life regeneration, and shield regeneration.
Psionic Abilities
Psychic Blast: Short range mental attack that does physical damage.
Fire Blast: Short range mental attack that does physical and fire damage.
Energy Blast: Short range mental attack that does physical, fire, and shock damage.
Chaos Blast: Short range mental attack that does physical, fire, shock, and chaos damage.
Mind over Matter: Uses psionics to rapidly convert energy to shield.
Dreamweaver: See the true nature of reality for a moment. Immune to all attacks.
Mastermind: +100 to psionic skill and damage.
Miscellaneous Abilities
Dimension Door: Reappear two squares away in facing direction.
Rapid Regeneration: Healing every mere second that once took a minute.
Haste: While active, increases time bonuses by 25%, increasing both move and attack speed.
Divine Breath: Total AOE heal that extends two squares from avatar.
Soothing Mist: Creates a mist that heals anyone in it.
Purify: Continuously removes all toxins while active.
Fortify Shield: Rapidly converts energy to shield. Bonus shield regeneration if energy is high enough.
Fairy Dust: Just a sprinkle can rapidly increase energy regeneration.
Hard Shield: Shield does not bleed any direct damage. You can still be poisoned though.
Active Shield: Shield regeneration not delayed by damage.
Survival Instincts: Healing effects triggered when health drops below 25%. Short cooldown.
Life Leech: Leeches 10% of conjure damage, converting to health.
Energy Leech: Leeches 5% of conjure or magic damage, converting to energy.
Barbarian Lore: +50% chance to hit and +50% physical damage for conjure attacks.
Acrobatics: +50% to global dodge, -50% armor.
Phoenix Bones: Immediately arise from ashes when you would be disrupted. Long cooldown.
Rage: Allows you to ferociously attack with no regard for your safety. Conjure attack roll and damage doubled, but no dodging.
Wild Magic: Triggered when health is below 25%. 75% chance to add chaos damage to your attacks. 75% chance of energy refund.
True Sight: Incease vision by amount equal to your maximum energy.
Dead Eye: A mild trance that greatly increases your odds of hitting your target. +100% accuracy and +10% critical hit chance.
Pyromaniac: You just love the flame. +100% to global fire skills.
Master of the Arcane: +50% to magic skill.
Dark Thoughts: +50% to psionic skill.
Prismatic Shield: Protection against arcane, fire, shock, and chaos (based on maximum energy).
Stoneskin: Hardens your skin to physical attacks (based on maximum energy).
Embrace Chaos: +100% damage to chaos attacks. Doubles chaos resistance.
Thread Master: Perceiving the threads of reality allow you to use offensive spells and psionics at reduced costs.
Lucky: 50% chance to for double value when glitter cubes grabbed.
Spirit Lich: Leave behind all mundane concerns, making you immune to poison. +50% chaos resistance.
Primordial Past: 50% chance to pick up significantly higher quality memory.
Motel Maya: Summon yourself to a place of refuge and refreshment for the weary adventurer.
Vortex: Bend the laws of time and space.
Minor Ascension: Unspecified global improvements. Only found on orbs of ascension.
Major Ascention: Unspecified global improvements. Only found on orbs of ascension.
Divine Ascension: Unspecified global improvements. Only found on orbs of ascension.