Avatar Basics
Basic Attributes
Health: Maximum damage that you can take
Shield: Absorbs damage before it can affect your health. Does not stop poison or chaos damage.
Energy: Used by most skills and abilities. Certain elementals can drain this.
Armor: Used to resist physical damage.
Dodge: Used to avoid being hit.
Arcane: Used to resist arcane damage.
Fire: Used to resist fire damage.
Shock: Used to resist shock damage. Note that shock damage can also stun your avatar.
Cold: Used to resist cold damage. Half of cold damage will normally bypass your shield.
Poison: Used to resist venom damage. Also used to remove poison from your avatar. Venom normally bypasses your shield.
Chaos: Used to resist chaos damage. Chaos damage normally bypasses your shield.
Health: Health replenish per minute.
Shield: Shield replenish per second. Delayed by 3 seconds after taking damage.
Energy: Energy replenish per second.
Toughness: Used to resist energy drain and stuns. Also used for stun recovery.
Time Bonus: Used for faster cooldowns on abilities. May increase movement.
True Sight: Allows to ignore illusionary walls in visual field.
Map Sense: Allows to detect walls. Higher levels of this skill will allow you to detect other stuff.
Glitter: A cosmetic used for avatar enhancement. Also used as a commodity for trade.
Basic Skills
Conjure: Basic attack form that summons a temporary melee weapon for frontal attack. Uses little or no energy.
Magic: Long range spells. As damage increases, so does energy cost.
Psionics: Medium range mental attack. As damage increases, so does energy cost.